Current Status: Simping for Boyfriend.
Sup, It's-a-me
I often make chaotic posts and have some form of barely cohesive story in some of them.
but uhm, I'm 19
For those of you who don't know me, my pronouns are: Nunya/Buisness
I have a sexuality, don't know nor care about what it's called tho.
I'm a pair of glasses.
I like Squirrels and axolotls
And expect Chaos, Cursed images, and other various things from me.
Go Follow @RagDoll_Bunny or else I'll eat you.
also, Have a few quotes:
"Focus is overrated
Cause you see every blemish and mistake and can't change it"-Fort Minor, The rising tide
"Forget perfect, I'm just trying to not be worthless"-Fort Minor,The rising tide
"This is my imagination, This is how it looks and sounds, but I've got to go so much bigger, so they can never shut me down"-AJR, Neotheater
"Perfect's overdone and over-planned, In the modern age"-I Fight Dragons, KABOOM
Featured animations
Gifts given to _J_M_
These Are Important! Look at them!
either characters and/or things I've chosen to put effort into.
The title
Hahahahahahahahahaha Lagh now
some mysterious creatures began vlogging... wierd...
Continue these If You'd like.
A collection of art pieces based off some emotion :) Not particularly reflecting of how I'm feeling, just some cool peices.
He screams, for he is in a predicament.
My chaotic little machinations now have an album.
Sussy Baka
My favorites of favorites
Where you can get the latest TOTALLY REAL AND CORRECT news
For contestststs
You foolish host
Where what I condsider to be my Crapposts go
why haven't I made this folder sooner
Where things that I can’t put in Crap posts nor oc’s/effort goes
I felt like this was a good idea. Ima just leave my stuff about it here.
thing other people make for this- or atleast related to this
I love these things
My favorites of favorites of favorites
my favorite stuffffssss sjdjjdisjg
feel free to use this stuff
My glassona
and so should you
I wish to see more of these ocs.
all things Iron and Blazes related.
Lore for my characters/story. Piece it together if you wish
Jm, you betta do it
For milestones
Seriously, the comments or these posts are too good to ignore.
For Poggers art
For practices
<3 Ranpoo my Beloved <3
Stuff That is for the South Of Seasoning
he salt god is the god that we can unite under. He saw the corruption in others, and fought back. He is our true protector.
Here's the various locations of the south of seasoning
Lore That You have to theorize a bit about. Have fun :)
I made some of this stuff
The title says it all
Suggestions I have for the site- or in general-
Aka, I need to trophy these things when I have the koin to give something that ain’t plastic
Aka, I need to trophy these things when I have the koin to give something that ain’t plastic
Don't underestimate my ability to communicate through unconventional means.
Fear it
If your post is here, you've achieved comedy.
I agree with these suggestions to a very high degree,
I'm putting every thicc thing i see in this album.
And you disabled comments, so I'm using this format :)
Please do not replicate any actions twitter man does, and know that everything twitter man does is nothing that I support. Twitter man is litterally me making fun of twitter... and bad internet culture in general.
I do voice stuff here
I laugh at your misery
I laugh at your misery.