Hola peeps,
I am very bad at drawing and joined because of a friend. I am not bad at animating but with like stick figures. I am trying to draw now and not animate. I AM ON A PC. I don't really have social media cuz i don't own a fone.
People I Know In Real Life:
@AnonymousTiger5 - Friend from mi school
@xNightshade - My ACTUAL sister
Anyways because you have read this piece of SHIZ bio, YOU WILL HAVE THE BEST DAY OF YOUR LIFE!!!
Featured animations
Gifts given to BuitreBOi
Things i created that people took or will take
Stupid things I created for the sake of contests :P Probably not gonna win any tho
I tried ok.
jngoq; lktrbdnlt4qbickv
Things I do just for da memes
Things I have adopted and also luv
ugly faces