Fixed marketplace bug where 0-Koin wallpaper couldn't be downloaded.
Provided bugfix to layer ordering in collaborations.
Added ability to provide a different colour for onion skin and change the number of frames that are onion skinned.
Fixing a bug with weird artifacts in animated gif exporting.
Attempted to fix a layer sort order but in collaborations.
Fixed bug identified here, where copying, then pasting, then moving the newly-pasted drawing caused it to jitter while dragging.
As Requested here, added an option to download wallpaper with a transparent background, rather than the default of white.
As suggested here, changed the behaviour of the move tool to affect all currently-selected drawings in the timeline. Works with grouped drawings, but only if the first selected drawing isn't a grouped drawing.
Fixed bug in collaboration.
Fixed bug in favourites album.
Happy 6th Birthday, Drawn! Enjoy the amazing new Collaboration feature!
Added the new closed path feature in the editor (click on the brush icon next to brush size to toggle).
Added a filter option to the newsfeed page.
Fixed bug where the eyedropped tool wasn't working when zoomed in and wasn't select colours from the correct layer.
Fixed bug where rectangles couldn't be drawn while being zoomed in.
Added ability to draw/erase rectangles by holding down shift+ctrl when drawing.
Added new "Insert Frames" and "Remove Frames" features to the editor.
Added new UI menu in editor for layer/drawing/frame manipulation.
Added logic to remove animation items from feeds when an animation has been deleted.
Fixed another small issue caused by previous update on the account page.
Fixed some issues caused by my previous update on the account page.
Improved the efficiency of the album list loading on the account page and fixed a bug where album thumbnails were black.
Added new logic to the player to try and reduce lag on up large animations.
Added brush stroke count to the drawing details popup.
Added the ability to filter the market by artist, also added link to your marketed items under the profile menu.
Created experimental improvement for editor optimize function.
Fixed editor bug with group drawing rendering.
For arists who draw using their mouse, the pencil & erase tools flip behaviour if you use the right mouse button.
Happy New Year! Attempt to fix GIF download bug being reported by some users.
Fixed issues with download gifs, wallpaper, and mp4s.
Fixed bug where double-tap didn't work in the editor for mobile devices.
Added timestamp to all chats messages.
Small change to allow site admin to test MP4 downloads on any animation for track down reported problems.
Corrected cross-origin issue with embedded images caused by changes made for the MP4 export feature.
Added ability for animators to purchase MP4 copies of their animations.
Minor bugfix in editor code.
Improvement to admin payouts page performance and layout.
Added new Optimize Animation feature (under the cog menu) which looks for duplicate drawings and converts them to grouped drawings of the original. This should allow really large animations to be reduced in size.
Fixed bug with the paste-group function when the target frame already has a drawing in it.
Fixed some minor display bugs with accounts scheduled for deletion.
Temporarily removing anonymous posts from the main feed due to some spamming.
Added ability for users to download gifs of their animation for free!
Added ability for users to request account deletion.
Minor updates to the administration home page.
Fixed Brush Width Replace magic function to allow for decimal values.
Fixed Rotate magic function to actually rotate in the correct direction.
Fixed minor editor bug with stroked text.
Added support for fractional brush sizes, as well as brush size delta in the Repeat & Transform magic function!
Removed Google+ social sharing button because it isn't a thing anymore.
Added a Pinterest social sharing button because why not?
Added a ban system for moderators to allow them to selectively ban troublesome users from various aspects of Drawn. Details in the updated Terms & Conditions page.
Sorry for the delay in updates; I moved last month and have been dealing with everything related to moving a family of five and getting settled.
Added ability for users to specify what personal folder they want to store the animation in when publishing.
Added ability to specify alignment (left/right/center) for text fields. Note: Only works with multiple lines of text.
Fixed bugs allowing anonymous users to make various changes to anonymous animations.
Added beg section to home page to help increase koin purchases and cover Drawn's costs.
Added time to profile page's "last online" and "latest animation" (as requested).
Added folder list drop-down to avatar selector to make it easier for animators to find avatars they frequently swap between (as requsted).
Fixed bug where anonymous users saw the 'continue' button on anonymous animations (it didn't work, anyway).
Upgrading Stripe payment integration so users can purchase Koin again.
Added features allowing users to change the email address associated with the account. Also added prompt for users missing an email address
(caused by the issue fixed on 2021-02-06) to provide one for their account.
Fixed issue that could allow an invitation to be forwarded and used over and over.
Fixed issue where the drawing dialogue wasn't properly marking the drawing as dirty.
Fixed auditing bug when viewing animations.
Fixed auditing bug when deleting animations.
Made delete animation prompt message more ominous to prevent accidental deletes.
Fixed bug where anonymous users could delete anonymous animations.
Fixed issue with album thumbnails not displaying after a certain threshold of animations added; sped up album loading time.
Added ability for users to report animations that violate the terms and conditions.
Fixed possible bug with the rename account feature.
Patched minor issue with the Join page.
Adjusted the top menu on large displays to not have any text next to icons.
Updated the Terms & Conditions page to include more information about ranking up and harassing the moderators.
Fixed paging problem with comments.
Fixed an editor bug where pasting into a drawing wasn't marking it as dirty.
Fixed a bug with the rename feature affecting a few people.
Fixed typo in update from 2020-06-05 (thanks, CameraID).
Fixed issue where comments from users you've blocked still being visible.
Corrected bug where renames were allowing spaces in names.
Updated the Terms & Conditions page to mention some conditions around moderator selection.
Added ability for users to change their names (first time free, additional times shockingly expensive).
Corrected typo in Drawing Details popup.
Added the ability to see who loved an animation.
Added the ability to see who favourited an animation.
Changed trophy adding algorithm to reload the trophies without reloading the page, because it was really annoying when I'd give trophies to very large animations.
Added preview of icon + user name to the "Change Name Colour" popup on the account page.
Made some changes to support the new Swamp section.
Fixed potential bugs if someone deletes an animation that is currently in the fishbowl.
Changed delete procedure to blank out anyone's avatar that has it set to the animation being deleted.
Added koined earned through daily payouts to the drawing details page for animators.
Minor updates to the admin home page.
Added ability to delete published animations.
Fixed type on the Terms & Conditions page.
Fixed paging bug on favourites album.
Added new feed notification when someone sets your gift to them as their avatar (as per this request).
Added following count to user profile page.
Fixing bug where UI wasn't updating immediately for grouped drawings and changing frames.
Fixed bug where grouped drawing alpha was having no effect in the editor and player.
Attempted to fix minor bug involving masked layers.
Refactored animation list query to improve speed (hopefully the homepage loads faster now).
Improved timeline thumbnail updating when modifying text fields.
Added ability to set text field position via the Text Field Settings box.
Added colour picker support to the Text Field Settings Fill Colour and Stroke Colour controls.
Added ability to set offset coordinates in Drawing Details popup.
Fixing some incorrect onion skin behaviour.
Added random animation link to header.
Added newest user list to the home page.
Attempting to fix audio sync problem in player, which might break older animations.
Attempting to fix bug where some people are unable to add their animations to the market.
Fixed bug when someone links to a animation in chat or an animation description and the URL contains a querystring.
Attempted to fix an issue with realtime tokens not being released and overwhelming the server.
Hopefully fixed most issues with onion skin.
Fixed an issue where the move tool wasn't marking drawings as dirty.
Added easy way for admins/mods to move animations back to users' WIP folders when their work was affected by bugs in the editor.
Fixed a bug where magic functions weren't marking drawings as dirty so they'd be saved on the next save.
Refactored onion skin so hopefully it works better now.
Fixed minor bugs with timeline display and selections.
Added loading splash screen to editor so it doesn't look so ugly while it's setting up/loading animation data.
Added message for gmail users on join screen.
Fixed bugs with timeline selection indication and dragging.
Fixed bug with embed feature.
Changed editor playback to (hopefully) maintain better sync with audio.
Added button to toggle between whether the pencil and eraser maintain their own brush sizes, or share one brush size.
Fixed zoom bugs with onion skin and fullscreen mode.
Fixed paging issue when viewing animations by hashtag.
Added enterkey support for the gradient generator modal.
Added Q/E hotkeys to navigate through colours in the swatchbox.
Corrected masking issues with grouped drawings.
Fixed masking issue where masks with transparency were causing the masked layers to have transparency.
Fixed minor bug with masked layers when animation is loading.
Changed editor zoom mode to properly draw using vector scaling instead of raster scaling. Zoom mode should be much crisper now.
Undoing pointer changes due to reported issues.
Changed editor so that the pencil and eraser maintain their own brush sizes.
Changed editor event handlers to use pointer events, which should improve drawing tablet support.
Added ability for users to download wallpaper-sized versions of their artwork.
Enabled new market features.
Fixed a few minor bugs.
Fixed bug where incorrect unread message counts could happen under specific circumstances.
Added ability for gradients to appear in the history and favourites swatchboxes.
Fixed bug in search algorithm that would throw an error if certain characters were searched for.
Added ability for mods/admins to change user biographies in case they violate site Terms & Conditions.
Minor administrative/moderator dashboard changes.
Added editor feature to maximize timeline for displays where the timeline is very small.
Fixed bug in editor where drawing opacity slider in timeline was behaving weird.
Fixed bug in editor and player where grouped animations containing grouped animations weren't looping the sub-animations correctly.
More editor bug fixes where certain changes weren't flagging drawings as dirty (timeline).
Fixed player bug where drawing translation wasn't being applied to linked drawings in groups.
More editor bug fixes where certain changes weren't flagging drawings as dirty.
Fixed an editor bug where layers weren't being marked as dirty and requiring saving after being dragged and reordered.
Fixed a couple of editor bugs where layers weren't being marked as dirty and requiring saving.
Fixed a couple of editor bugs involving grouped drawings.
Fixed bug in editor where saved layers/drawings weren't being marked as clean afterwards (causing them to be needlessly saved again).
Fixed bug in Koin transaction log where simultaneous entries could be displayed out of order.
Fixed bug in editor where UP and DOWN arrow keys changed the active layer but not the active drawing.
Fixed bug where some timeline actions weren't marking drawings as dirty.
Added ordinal numbers to the grouped drawings in the group dropdown.
Fixed editor bug where rotation and scaling transforms on grouped drawings were being done in the opposite order than the player.
Fixed editor bug where copying and pasting a grouped drawing (just as a straight copy) crashed the editor.
Corrected typo in hover text on paste button (hotkey tip was a 'P' when it should have been a 'V').
Comments now automatically refresh in realtime when viewing an animation.
Improved behaviour of the '@' glyph in comments so that it inserts the referenced user's name where the cursor is in the new comment box.
Added ability for users to edit their own comments on animations (as per this request).
Added the ability for mods/admins and animator owners to disable or enable comments for their animations (as per this request).
Fixed bug with latest animation on account page.
Added last time online and most recent animation to the account page (as per this request).
Added the ability for users to change the colour of their name...for a price!
Corrected a problem where you couldn't access the profile page of users with a plus sign (+) in their username.
Stayed up really late to create a custom server for realtime notifications in Drawn after 3rd-party service ceased functioning.
Fixed bug with embedded HTML in chat messages.
Fixed bug affecting unread message count on page load.
Due to sporadic complaints about FontAwesome not loading from CDN, copied to Drawn server to guarantee delivery.
Fixed bug where adding audio can sometimes cause multiple deductions of Koin.
Added code to load external images inline when image urls are pasted into comments and private messages.
Fixed cursor display (so 1px size is visible).
Removed attempt to fix touch lag (which I think just made things worse).
Added ability to add fonts to animations.
Added support for +/- key brush size changing for Chrome (which reports different keycodes than the other browsers).
Restored white border in editor.
Added code to help reduce touch device lag when drawing in the editor.
Completely refactored the editor to help reduce editor lag.
Added ability to set per-drawing opacity level independent of layer opacity.
Reduced the homepage loading time.
Fixed bug preventing users with certain symbols in their names from getting notifications.
Added ability to for users to block other users (but not mods or admins).
Fixed bug where you couldn't press the enter key when editing animation descriptions.
Added who's online feature to the home page.
Minor admin page bugfix.
Fixed bug where a connection failure of saving disables the save popup.
Added search for animations on profile page.
Minor improvements to admin home page.
Happy Easter! Added ability to check off and mark as read/dismiss an arbitrary number of feed items per page on the notifications page.
Added ability to change title and description of published animations.
Added "forgot password" feature.
Fixed zoom slider bug issue in Chrome.
Changed behaviour of I/O hotkeys for zoom to try and stay centered on where the mouse cursor is.
Added ability for creators, animators, and mods to remove comments from animations.
Added "member since" and "times favourited" to the profile page.
Changed paste warning to give you an option to merge the source into the destination.
Fixed issue with zoom tool and translated drawings.
Changed Repeat & Shift to Repeat & Transform. Added ability to repeat and translate, rotate, and scale with each copy, as well as either add copies to current drawing or make each copy its own drawing.
Improved visibility of dropdown menu hover/focus colour in editor.
Added magic scale function.
Happy PI Day!
Fixed rotation bug.
Added magic rotation function.
Added polygon lines.
Added horizontal and vertical flip.
Fixed bug in editor when UI doesn't update after adding text or pasting into a blank drawing.
Added zoom & pan feature in editor!
Fixed bug with Repeat & Shift and text objects.
Added new magic functions to editor: Colour Replace, Width Replace, and Repeat & Shift.
Added ability to get embed code for animations to embed them in other websites.
Added left/right arrowkey support for player when paused (to manually let you go through frames).
Changed header to collapse by default on non-desktops.
Fixed bug where you'd get notified that you received a message from yourself whenever you sent a message to anyone else.
Fixed minor visual bug where toggling the love of an animation caused all other animations listed on the page to change their love text to the same value.
Investigated and possibly fixed weird issue where the server timezone went wonky.
Minor fixes to the feed page behaviour.
Tested change deployment to new server.
Migrated Drawn to a new, dedicated server.
Added favourite count (number of times favourited) on animation page.
On the account page, made avatar linked to animation (if set), and added total loves and trophies for the user being viewed.
Database changes to improve speed with respect to animation listings.
Happy New Year! Added the site's favicon (no idea why this took me so long).
Added frame counts and continuation counts to animation deck cards.
Added ability for animators to continue their own animations without having to make them publicly continuable.
Added the long-awaited "Continue Animation" feature.
Completely refactored the newsfeed page.
Updated comments to include custom icons and colours for special users.
Changed how cached animations were loaded from the server to handle extremely large (20MB+!) animations.