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Gifts given to Kitty_Cipher
Adopted Things.
even if these are horrid, or mediocre, theie are sti11 prettie fun to create. u>u
i rea11ie tried, okaie?
a p1ace where i shove mie music.
bird art i find.
theie are b1ank and emptie because me iPad don't a11ow me to draw even a sma11 1ine. y>y;
where i put mie stupid, made up nutter jokes.
art I find cute.
1ess effort than true art, not shitpost teir, though.
art i find the gooded
good words. what did you expect? a bag of Richards?
things made with magic too1.
good music great music
a 1and where i shove mie poems, read them at your own wi11.
follow posts
well, what do you expect to be here?
The best things
things to do
a p1ace to 1ook at, and read mie vents and rants.