You can call me Star. A friend calls me Starship. I also have another name Angelbug! Anything you see fit honestly! Don't mind nicknames :}. Dec 29th
Internet bro: @KETCH go follow him, he's awesome
Mostly draw, though recently not on Drawn as much. Hoping to get better at animating
I'm a big astronomy fangirl. Love stars, and the moon. Practically my brand.
Featured animations
Gifts given to StarMoonlight
Some of the art that i am very proud of and that i feel i put the most effort into
Some of my animations that i feel like i did pretty good on
some of my great colored animations
idk, most stuff i doodle are usually in doodles xD. This is mainly a folder i guess of some oc concept art
All my Oc refs.
My own doodles and drawings for the Drawn Origins going on uwu
Just some fanart i create for some amazing people on here
i take part in contests and different challenges as well as continue things and some collabs i did with others
Just some drawings and doodles based on some of my rps
People go into my acc and just do stuff lol
lol anytime i really wanna look at some animations memes from here now i can find it easily
In here can be drawings, and animations i don't like or just some shizposts as well.
yes Bren, shush, i made a special folder for you just as i did for Izzy. The first drawing i put in this made me make this Edit: (And now ur name is Momento Mori so)
i just- really like stories-
who doesn't like nice drawings
Ye, that's right. I made one for you Flair >:}
These just really make me laugh. (some of which make me smile and laugh for no particular reason)
idk, just to look at these stuff with music later
and i love all ur drawings gurl uwu
bro this is cool xD
tutorials can always be helpful