The tribute chapter 38. Cave

By X

isle had no idea what was going on. One minute he thought this girl was throwing him at a wall, the next minute she was hiding him in some secret cave behind a wall of vines. "Where are w-" He was cut off sharply. She had pushed her hand against his mouth, keeping him quiet. He started to complain before she hushed him. "Quiet, stupid! They're here!" He listened, and heard the footsteps of three figures crunching on the leaves. A shadow passed by the ivy wall, stopping just in front of it. Isle could hear the creature breathe, staggered and unsteady. The figure moved on after a short while, and the footsteps faded into the distance. She removed her hand from Isle's face. "There, i helped you. Now take me to the human kingdom." Isle blinked. "That's not what i needed help with." She raised an eyebrow. "Saving you from an Ozux and its puppets wasn't what you needed help with?" Isle flinched. Of course she knew the thing had a name. "Well, those puppets are my friends, and i want to free them somehow." He looked at her. "If you free them, ill take you there and sneak you in." SHe huffed. "Stupid boy, you cant free them. They have to free themselves. High concentrations of emotion can break them out. Once the charms are placed on them, there's no way for us to do anything about it." The monster rolled her eyes. "Don't human schools teach you anything??" Isle looked at her, pathetically. "Isn't there any way for me to spark emotion??" She tapped her lip, thinking. "Well, they can see through the monsters eyes, even if they are trapped inside of their own heads. If you do something that triggers this in front of them, you can free them." Isle thought about it. "I'm in." She glanced at the entrance, then back at him. "Well, they're leaving, so make it quick. I can cover for you if the Ozux actually shows itself." Isle sprinted through the vines without a second thought.

  • Published December 13, 2019, 08:57
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in The tribute
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited time

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