Tribute chapter 4.

By X

"Not it." Mumbled Invert, as the two knights stood outside the monster keep. Nightblade rolled his eyes. "Princess, monster, bear?" Invert agreed. "Blade, guard, hilt, go!" They both said together, before choosing an action. Nightblade chose princess. Invert chose bear. "Ha! I win!" Said Invert triumphantly. Nightblade muttered to himself, and walked towards the door. SUddenly, it slammed open, revealing a pitch darkness. SOmething reached out in the blink of an eye, grabbed nightblade and pulled him inside. The door slammed shut behind him. Invert was left staring at the closed door. Nightblade felt himself being held in the air. As he cracked open his eyes, he found himself in the hand of the monster king. He looked down to see the vicious gaze of the queen. He tried his best to look imposing, but it's hard to do that while being clutched like a baby bottle. "I have come to demand that your prince or princess come to our castle, in return for your subject!" He declared loudly. He smirked at the resounding echo his voice left in the tree trunk walls around him. "You took my sister you bitch!" He looked down at the voice. A small fox was standing, tail lashing angrily. Her wings and tail were tipped with green, the same colors of their monster prisoner. "Ha! You look like her. If you want her back, you better convince your queen to give us her offspring." The fox growled, and shook her head. "I would never do something like that to my queen." The monster queen smiled and looked at the fox. "Thank you Wren. I would like to ask you to return to your nest please." The fox shivered with anger, but padded off into the darkness of a nearby doorway. Nightblade looked back to the queen. "Well?" She glared at him. "I will do no such thing!" She growls. "Oh, i guess we'll just kill the girl then!" Nightblade remarks, smiling. "You will no-" "I'll go!" The queen starts, and is interrupted by a male voice. The figure steps out of the shadows. It's the prince of monsters. He repeats himself. "I will go. For Gracie." Nightblade smiles grimly. "No you will not!" The queen remarks. "My son will not be going with you!" SHe says to Nightblade. "Were not even genetically related!" He replies. "And if i'm going to be a prince, i need to look out for my kingdom. you can't stop me." He looks blankly at him mother. She stops, and sighs. "You grow up so fast. It feels like just yesterday you were growing horns, and now look at you. Being held hostage by humans." The prince smiles slightly. "Bye mom." Nightblade feels himself being carried towards the door. "Oh, Honey?" The queen asks. The monster king, who had been holding him, stops. "Keep the knight for right now. You go on outside, Chaos. There's another knight." The prince nods and walks outside. As the door shuts, Nightblade feels himself being squeezed. He gasps for air, unable to speak. The queen walks up the kings arm, and looks down at him, clutched in the king's hand. "No one does this to my family and gets away with it." She growls, right before two spider legs fold out of her back. She smiles as his eyes start to cloud, before stabbing the sharp ends of the legs into his torso. He jerks once, and goes limp. As Chaos walks outside, he sees the other knight. "I'm going with you." He growls. "Oh splendid!" The knight says. "We can go home now." "Isnt your friend coming?" Chaos asks, a glint in his eyes. He knows the answer. Just as the knight is about to respond, the doors open again. A limp, bloody body is dropped outside, and Invert screams. What should they do next? Take the body and bury it, Bring the body to the castle, or leave it there? Vote below!

  • Published November 06, 2019, 15:46
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in The tribute
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited time

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