The tribute finale pt. 3

By X

Lucas dashed down the carpeted hallways, and turned sharply at the corner of the corridor. He had to run faster, to escape what was chasing him. Jumping over an overturned bench, he entered a large room with natural things growing in it. It had a large sunroof that supplied light, and a small stream running through the middle. He hopped over the sandy bank, trailing particles of sand in the sunny air. WHat was chasing him followed behind him quickly, and so tripping over a tree root was not the smartest thing for his body to decide to do. His face hit the sand, and the rest of him followed suite. Lucas felt a weight jump on top of him, pinning him to the ground. He struggled, but the monster sitting on top of him was too strong. Chaos leaned over Lucas, and flipped him onto his back. " You have to wear the outfit that was chosen for you, dumbass." Lucas growled. "I'm not dressing up for some silly portrait!" Chaos rolled his eyes. "It's literally a hoodie. The only one dressing up is your dramatic-ass brother." Lucas stopped struggling. "Oh. It's just a hoodie?" Chaos nodded, and rolled off of him. Lucas stood up, and swiped the sand and leaves off of his chest. Chaos began to jog back towards the makeshift changing room, where they had arranged all of their outfits together. Lucas followed quickly after Chaos, entering the room with a sigh. Ace really was all dressed up, in some kind of silk garb. Ace rushed over to Lucas, and began to fuss. "You have leaves in you hair, and sand all over your face! Where did you go?" Lucas rolled his eyes, and let Ace pick the leaves out. Ace looked at the bright leaves carefully, before arranging them in his own hair. "Now i have a bit of you, and if you wear the clothes, you have a bit of me!" Ace bounced up and down, excited. Lucas smiled, and ducked behind the flimsy makeshift walls to change. Chaos had told the truth, it was a simple red hoodie and grey jeans. He combed through his air with his fingers a few times, chasing out the last of the fauna that had decided to hitch a ride. Ducking around the wall again, he found Chaos waiting for him. Ace had gotten them matching clothing, the little bastard. Chaos had a slightly different color red, the same grey jeans, and Ace was busu throwing a bunch of leaves on him. Chaos glanced at Lucas, and bega to laugh. "Your brother is making fun of you, using me." Ace looked over, and flushed. "It was just a joke!!" Lucas sighed, and chuckled to himself. "Let's just get this out of the way." The group of boys walked out of the room, and towards the throne room. The king and queen were waiting for them, and it appeared to Lucas that Dartus was a little on the tipsy side. He was basically attached to Ene, and he looked overjoyed to see everyone. Anonymous jumped around the corner, with Gracie and Wren following suite. Lucas had met and gotten familiar with Gracie, but Wren was her sister, and they had just met. Invert was standing at the entrance, setting up this new technology. A camera. Chaos had gotten it a few years ago on his birthday, and never used it. Ene wanted to take a new and improved family photo, and give it to the painters to paint bigger. It was easier than sitting and posing for hours, so Chaos was fine with it. Invert told them where to stand, and got everyone to line up. He clicked the timer, and dashed to his spot in the photo. It was only after the first of 3 photos clicked that Dartus wrapped his arms around Ene again. She sighed, and kept smiling. He was babbling some nonsense before Anonymous stepped out of her spot in the line, and wrapped her arms around Dartus. Somehow, in that small amount of time, both of them had started drinking. Lucas didn't know the legal drinking age for monsters, but she sure as hell wasn't it. He smiled at the camera again, and heard it click the last photo.

  • Published Published February 06, 2020, 12:46
  • Location in Kiddie Pool
  • Album in The tribute
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited time

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