The tribute chapter 35. Eyes

By X

Isle had been running for a while now, taking breaks every few minutes to breather, or take a sip of water. The husks of his friends were slow, but Isle wasn't fast either. He had to run for a short bit, before resting and waiting until he heard their footsteps to run again. Their eyes glowed purple in the darkness, reflecting the eerie light their necklaces produce. Isle didnt know how much longer he could run for, his eyes were getting blurry from exhaustion, as he hadn't slept for a few days. Fear for his friends had kept him awake, as they had been acting rather strange. His legs were going to give out soon, but there was nowhere to hide where they couldn't find him. They glow reached every crevice, almost unnaturally bending around the tree's trunks. THe sun had gone down before he knew it, and the darkness was choking. As the pitch darkness trickled down the leaves, it seemed to make the purple glow even brighter. He knew his time was running out, but the fear kept his legs pumping, his lungs working. The air turned cold, and damp. He hopped over a stream, and jumped behind a tree, huffing and puffing, and resting his legs. Isle heard a crackle from beside him, and shot up. Was it one of his friends? No, it was a girl. He gave up, and et here eyes. Her eyes were unnaturally grey, but they looked white in the purple glow approaching. His gaze drifted up, to the spiked horns atop her head. She appeared to be looking him up and down, sizing him up. Noticing the state he appeared to be in, her muscles relaxed a bit, becoming less tense at the apparently harmless human. The husks were in earshot now, and her pointed ones had perked up at the sound of one crashing through a bush. She glanced back over at him. "What are those things? They don't smell like monsters." Her voice was strangely calming to him. All Isle could do was shrug, he was far too out of breath to say anything. She walked over to him, and held him up by his shoulders. "If i help you, will you take me to the human kingdom?" She would help him? Isle thought about it. He decided to let her help, and since he had a map, it would be easy to take her there. He nodded twice, and she grabbed his hand and ran to a nearby wall of vines. "Wait, thats a wall!" He croaked, his voice already going away. She huffed, and they ran straight through the seemingly solid wall.

  • Published Published December 10, 2019, 12:36
  • Location in Kiddie Pool
  • Album in The tribute
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited time

Comments 5

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theyre all finally meeting each other


oh, secret entrances!!