The tribute chapter 43. Sucessful

By X

It had been horrible, the process that had transformed him into this monster. A human sometimes, but the fear kicked in and the sense took over. The girl had called him a tiger, in the small amounts of time where he could hear what was going on around him over the ringing in his ears. Lucas didn't know where his brother was, or where Invert was. He was just there, usually alone in this dark room, pinned to a wall by steel manacles that were too tight, and we're definitely going to leave a bruise. Whenever he was in the sixth sense, the back corners of his mind told him he had ears atop his head, ones that picked up the smallest noises, something his human ones were not used too. The horrible witch would sometimes come into his room, and accidentally drop a metal tool on the floor. The resounding noise made his ears hurt and his head throb painfully. His back was also constantly pressed against a hard stone wall, which made the tail he apparently had sore. He couldn't move it at all, and the bony joints were pressing into his back. He was pretty sure he had paw pads, but the neck spikes were a bigger issue. If he didnt hunch his shoulders too much they were fine, just a bit uncomfortable to have pieces of bone sticking out of your neck. He wanted to see his brother or someone he knew, but there was nobody. Lucas was lost in thought, when the witch came back into his room. She pulled out a mirror, and held it up to his face. He hadn't seen it yet. There were huge white marks on his cheeks, and his pupils had pretty much become his scleras. Big red orbs on his face. His pupils were slit, since he was scared and angry. His hair had stayed the same dark color, but his streaks had become white and orange instead of silver and purple. The witch reached up towards his face, and without thinking, he let out a growl. She smiled, and pointed out his sharp teeth. Then, quick as a bunny she moved his hair away from his eye. his right eye It was a bluish green though, and it glowed slightly. He never had blue eyes. The witch scribbled something down in her notebook. "You seem to have taken on the eye color of the monster we got the DNA from. I wonder if it will affect your brother in the same way..." That set Lucas off. "YOU LEAVE MY BROTHER ALONE!" He growled, his voice echoing off of the stone walls. The witch smiled, a dark sadistic smile. "I have been testing on him for a while. I'm sure you will see him soon." She giggled, and walked out of the room.

  • Published December 22, 2019, 07:50
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in The tribute
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited time

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