The tribute chapter 9.

By X

Lucas was unsure of what to do. He was going to take the collar off, when the venom in the spikes had kicked in and knocked the monster unconscious. Lucas had ended up taking the collar off though. After lifting the monster onto his back, and walking down the hall, he began to doubt his decision. "Stupid monster." He grumbled. "Stupid feelings." The monster had looked so sad in that moment, lying on the wooden bed with blood dripping from his neck. When Lucas entered his room, Ace was already asleep. Lucas knew his brother wouldn't care about the extra person, but he couldn't help but put the monster in the room connected to theirs. Lucas wrapped the monsters neck in bandages, and set him on the more comfortable bed. He set a change of clothes on the nightstand, and locked the door to the hallway so he couldn't get out. The windows were too small for him to fit. Lucas went into his room, closed the door and went to sleep.

  • Published November 13, 2019, 07:27
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in The tribute
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited time

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