Secret santa. A tribute extra.

By X

Fusion hated everything about today. It was too cold. The teacher was a lunatic. He had to sit in the back row. The back row was entirely composed of girls. Three of which were monsters. One of which he had a crush on... One was singing, and two were blabbing. Fusion slumped down into his arms, stretching out the thin fabric uniforms they made the children wear. It was snowing for satan's sake! He glanced down the row of desks. The fox wasn't even wearing anything! Fusion hoped she would freeze, ad turn into a furry popsicle in the snow. "Students! Please bring your gifts to the front of the room!" The teacher yelled. Fusion picked up the box he had wrapped and brought it up. The last thing about today that he hated: He had to give a gift to Eñe. WHat was he even supposed to buy for the PRINCESS of MONSTERS! He set his gift on the pile and returned to his seat. After falling back into a pile at his desk, he glanced around the classroom. There were strings that the smaller children had thrown onto the ceiling, and they glowed softly in the darkening light of the classroom. His eyes fell back to the side of the room. Suddenly, a girl spoke beside him. "Hey, are you ok?" It was the other human girl in his row. Cybil was her name...? He didn't really remember, but that sounded accurate. Fusion thought it was a stupid name. He would rather be named Lucas, or something cool like that. Fusion looked up at the girl. "Yeah, im fine." He muttered into his sleeve. The girl poked his arm. "Well, obviously not." He was about to remark, before the teacher started calling names. "Gracie?" Gracie stood up, and skipped to the front of the room, still humming a christmas song. The teacher handed her a box, and she ripped open the wrapping paper. "Awh! This sweater is so cute!" It was a white fuzzy sweater, with teal highlights around the sleeves. Gracies pulled it over her head, and sat back down. People would go up, enjoy their moment, and sit back down. "Wren?" The fox girl stood up, and walked to the front of the room. "Oh, i love this candy!" Fusion glanced up. Wren was holding a bar of chocolate. "Eñe!" The green haired girl stood up, and walked to the front of the room. He hid his face even more now. Fusion hoped she liked it, he had racked his brain for things to get her. In the end, he thought the one he decided on was alright. SHe pulled off the wrapping, and revealed a small black box. SHe opened it, and found a small silver necklace inside. It was a cafted chain, each link shimmered beautifully in the light. At the end of was a small wooden charm, carved carefully into the shape of an owl. She admired it for a minute, tilting it this way and that to see all of the feathers and fine details. "Wow! Thank you. secret santa!" She grinned widely, pulling the chain around her neck.

  • Published December 06, 2019, 16:11
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in The tribute
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited time

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