The tribute chapter 14. Plotting

By X

Sophie lifted the muffling spell off of her body, and watched the blue sparkles disappear. She didn't like this kingdom, and did not want to be noticed by and of the commoners. Enchantresses like herself were not to be gawked at. As she entered the throne room, she pulled her hood off and bowed. "Your majesties. To what do i owe the pleasure of being called here?" King Fusion spoke first. "We have custody of two monsters. One of royal blood, and the other a commoner." Sophie knew this, she had felt their magic qualities as soon as she entered the castle. "Ad?" She asked. The queen spoke next. "We want you to continue your experiments on the sixth sense." Queen Cybil spoke so surely, Sophie could not blow it off as a joke. "You know there's a reason people stopped doing that." Sophie said. "And? You're the best of the best when it comes to things like this. We have no doubt you will find some solution." Sophie looked at him pointedly. "Why do you want this?" Fusion smiled. "Well, since neither of my sons want to join me, i was just going to use them to experiment on. They're strong, and can take it. If it works, we can make soldiers upon soldiers, with innate abilities to fight." Queen Cybil nodded in agreement. Sophie was torn. She would normally jump to doing this, with all these magical ingredients at her fingertips, but sixth sense testing...? She was concerned. "If you do it, we will pay handsomely." King Fusion added. That sold it for her. "Ill do it, But if it works, i want one of the monsters." King Fusion looked to his wife. She shrugged and agreed. "Sure, whatever. there are tons more monsters wandering around. Just don't take the royal one i guess." "Wait, is it the boy or the girl?" Sophie asked. "The boy." King Fusion said. Sophie nodded. "He has obtained royal blood from living with the King and Queen of monsters for so long, so i guess it will work the same." King Fusion nodded, and stood up. "Good good. We'll have a guest room prepared for you. One of the maids will come up soon, and Cybil can tell her what to do. I've got somewhere i want to visit." King Fusion left the room.

  • Published Published November 17, 2019, 08:15
  • Location in Kiddie Pool
  • Album in The tribute
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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