"Ugh, how much looongeerrr!" Edge groans. He slumps against a tree and falls to the ground. "I'm so tiiiireeed!" "If we want to reach the kingdom by tomorrow, we have to stay on schedule." Isle snaps, annoyed by the orange haired boys whining. Edge sighs, and stands up again. "Actually, we have a bit of time left over, since we ran away from that pack of wolves earlier.." Emerald quips. "And this wouldn't be a bad place to rest for a bit!" The green boy points to the small clearing they had just entered. "Ugh, i guess. Just make sure to hang up the artifacts, we can't lose our loot." Isle rolled his eyes and put the bags down by a tree trunk. Darling smoothed out his blonde hair, and sat on a piece of old stone wall. "Hey Em, can you get this thorn out of my leg? It's been bugging me for a while." Emerald nodded, and pulled out a bandage and tweezers. While they did that, Isle sharpened his sword. The large tree was a nice leaning post for the rough work of sharpening the blade.
They spent the night there, curled up under the stars with the company of each other. They would set out for the human kingdom in the morning, ready to turn in the artifacts they had gathered.
@Lazarinne Thank you! And yes you can! (⌒▽⌒)Lazarinne
@Lopfi ✧◝(⁰o▿⁰o)◜✧ I'm glad you like it! I may actually draw these guys again at some point, I've grown fond of them. Is that okay? Obviously I'll link to you each time but if that's not okay that's fine too! It is your character really, after all.Lopfi
I love it! And yes He is Male! Sorry about the confusion!