The tribute chapter 41.Broken glass

By X

Edge was watching his friend in horror. Isle was standing in the clearing of brambles the host had made them lure him too. He had a monster girl with him, and she looked to be telling him to stop something. Isle drew his sword, and suddenly, Edge was filled with hope. If Isle could fight the three husks off, and maybe even kill them, he would be safe. But the horror reached Edge, when his friend shed a tear, and let his sword fall to the ground. Edge couldn't scream, couldn't yell out for him. There was nothing Edge could do to help his friend, he could only watch his body move forwards, crunching the leaves an brushing through the ferns. Edge ran to the glass wall and pressed his fists against it. He was horrified, angry, terrified for his friends life. He knew that Emerald and Darling were scared as well, trapped in their own minds, caged like animals in the glass boxes. The purple everywhere taunting them, reminding them of how they even got there in the first place. Suddenly, Edge remembered something. He ran over to a certain point in the wall, where he had heard a crack earlier. There had been nothing there when he checked, and he thought he had imagined it. Maybe, just maybe, it was not all inside of his head. FIguratively, considering he was literally inside of his own head. He searched and searched, every step his body took made the mindspace shake a little more. But there, a small white spot was set into the invisible wall. A crack. He pushed his hand up against it, and pushed. It made a small noise, barely audible but there nonetheless. He had found a crack. He began to pound his fists against the wall, hearing it snap every time he put enough force behind it. THere was a way out, but he had to hurry. Before he killed his best friend.

  • Published December 17, 2019, 10:36
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in The tribute
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited time

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