how to use:
well first things first u gotta continue it- copy and paste layer with body part you wish to use
select which body part you prefer, then erase all the other types of that part. (make sure to leave the original layer on hidden so you can still use it again.)
then, shrink and rotate, or increase size and flip body part until you have it where you want it.
finally, do the same with all the other body parts, until you have what youve wanted tanpaw to do, then simpley draw the arms and legs! (yes, the legs and arms wouldve been too annoying to have to cater to everyone's preferences, so i decided to just let yall do it.)
thanks! (and yes this is beta idk if i will upgrade it who knows.)
Woah, congrats! Definitely picking this one up when I get the chanceHoodie
A camera system??!! Sounds absolutely awesome, and also, if I find the time, ill try reading it. That’s amazing though! Congrats on the release!Mufferdoggy
Bookmarking this !ClaytonR
@GreenHoodiedAnimator lol...I wish! But maybe it's a start.@TheMaineAnimator We'll see if anyone notices it. That'd be cool if it was, though.
i bet it gonna be a new york times best sellerBionicle.exe
yoo congratsGreenHoodiedAnimator
clayton gettin the breadFreezingFlames
Looks awesome!Blatzz
Noice 👍StarMoonlight
oo awesome!!gasp, it's gonna be a triology!?? heck yeee
Holy shizzazle!OliveOyl
Omg I will totally read this!!!!!!!!TheBoiRaine
woah :OClaytonR
Thanks, everyone! <3Dominator_virus
the man himself made a novel! dude i wish i didnt buy that chainsaw man manga the other day. i wish i bought this! hopefully i can gather some money eventually.hayat0672
Wow!!! This looks amazing! I'm really amazed by this as I'm a novel writer as well :). The difficulties of writing are so enormous and I'm so impressed that you have gotten so much further than so many other writers! I hope you find success in your endeavors, Mr. Rumley :DStanced
I wish I could buy one but I can't I'm sorryI would love to tho and if I am ever able to I sure will :))
he's cookin'Stanced
whoa this looks awesome!