Birthday Bash Contest Results!


1st Place - a really awesome piece! its very cute, the background is nice, and the coloring and shading is lovely. 2nd Place - really cool! it was rlly badass, nice coloring, good eye shading. 3rd Place - I really liked the more dinosaur approach to the design. it was very cool and pretty refreshing. i enjoyed this one. 4th Place - N/A not enough people participated... 5th Place - N/A not enough people participated... ive decided something. Late entries will be accepted! if you post something i will rank it and you will still get the rewards for 4th and 5th place, since nobody has those slots filled. HOWEVER, you will not be able to surpass those who already got 1st or 2nd, regardless of your art quality. you were late, after all. Music:

  • Published August 23, 2023, 22:57
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in album Featured
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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