GLITCHER (bio in desc!)


holy crap drawn was trippin balls when i made this anim. ironic, bc he is glitcher. GLITCHER abilities: lag - slows down everyone and everything in his radius teleportation - uh...teleportation shrink-n-strech - he can grow or shrink. corrupt - he can corrupt certain people, typically robots. weakness - if your not a robot, he has less leverage over you, however he is still very effective. weakness - if someone is able to save before he attacks you, he is practically powerless. a A.O.D villian, but not the main antagonist has a furry form, if anyone wants to make one

  • Published December 16, 2021, 22:35
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in album Featured
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited time

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