GOTCHA!!! (contest)


alright so the scoop is: this is tanpaw in this "rattlesnake beast" form. he has his tail wrapped around your OC character. the contest is to draw your oc character wrapped up in his tail, which is already drawn for you. make sure to make the backround a color that resembles your character! rules: pretty much nothing, as long as you do not erase tanpaws body. you can totally edit his tail though, to fit your character into it. the purpose: its my birthday soon, and if you were to spare some time to do this, it would make me very happy and would be the best birthday present ever! especially since i might not even have a birthday due to me being exposed to someone with covid :'( also if i like one enough i might throw in a reward idk- anyways, contest ends by october 1st thanks yall!!!

  • Published September 23, 2021, 00:59
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in T A N P A W
  • is continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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