why am i here? <>


i come on here for some reason. maybe because i like the feeling of this editor? though i feel as though i am losing touch with the people here. growing,, apart, perhaps. i also do not think i am truly close to anyone here,, which makes me come on here even less. i know i am not close to most of you who may read this, and i do not think we ever will be. i am sorry, though it is the truth. i am sorry i do not come on much, i just,, do not feel as though i have a reason to. i just, reallly like talking to people,, but, well. it may be forced if you try and reach out,, and not all people will work out as friends. it is the truth. and i am sorry,, i just,, always feel like i am intruding in some sort of close-knit friendship,, that i have no business being in. i am the odd fish out, the outlier,, one not like the others. i like feeling at home,, but, sometimes i do not. i just feel alone here, and i know i am not as valued as some friends. i am almost never the best friend, or all that close. yeah. i sound like a whining child, so i shall end this now. farewell, readers.

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hey guys
Obsession. (rant)