

I go on as the people walk on by muttering musical melancholy people claiming sides while they forget to look up at what we share, the endless sky might i forget to count my feathers. Oh, how people claim sides, thinking of how much better they claim themselves to be among their peers and their neighbours. While in all of their idiocrasy they fail to realize the shared democracy no one single person is better by birth but how their person is formed. Might we go on a walk in a forest infested with blight? what time would we go, or rather what time of night, to forget and be blind to the plague infesting the fauna and the beings we trust with fright to carry our flight to keep the wavering light a'burning. It doesn't matter to me, whether you look up at the weather or realize the real reality in front of your eyes stay blind, stay unable to look past your mind. Does it hurt? Oh yes it does. Being unable to aid is a sense of dread unable to be put to bed may you not be so full of yourself one day to realize the cruelty wrought upon the phrases that you bring yourself to say. (last one for today. i do not want to spam.)

  • Published February 19, 2020, 19:05
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in Poetrie
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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