hello! we meet again! the title is pretty self explanitory. make a peice of artwork, that only uses ONE LAYER. pLEASE READ. if you repeat somthing that has been ansewered, your comment will be deleted. RULES ------------------- -anyone can join! -no NSFW -submit your art in the comments below -only ONE submission is permitted -you can make ANYTHING you choose - be creative! it does not matter wether it is drawn to perfection. because nobody is perfect! -please put a short description of your animation on the side. ------------------------- THIS CONTEST IS DUE BY JUNE 10TH this will give you about 18 days to compete! ------- THE PRIZES -------- 1st place: any gold trophy on your sumission. OR a drawing of your choice -------- 2nd place: colored line art OR MAJOR like spam ------------ 3rd place: like spam OR non colored line art. --------- if you read until the bottom please say the word "groovy" in the comments below. i wish to you all the best of luck! and may the best artist (in my opinion) win!

  • Published May 22, 2020, 11:11
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in album Featured
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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