How to wake up from nightmares?

By Allen

( ) Waking up purposely in dreams is something that mainly oneironauts are able to do and might be more difficult for those who don't lucid dream often. I'll list a few ways to wake up from nightmares, but as a lucid dreamer, I won't be able to tell which ones will be easier for non lucid dreamers. Nightmares can have a certain level of awareness (knowing it's a nightmare but still being scared or affected by it), so oneironauts take advantage of such things to turn them into lucid dreams. A way to wake up by taking advantage of the awareness level is by breaking the nightmare by saying "I know I'm dreaming" or anything similar. Since it is already a nightmare, it won't turn worse, you'd wake up or the nightmare would fade out slowly. You can wake up by keeping your eyes closed for a long time. Nightmares can be frightening so closing your eyes will feel a bit bad at first but then everything will seem calm (you won't hear or feel anything), waking up eventually. You can also wake up by doing the opposite, keeping your eyes wide open and staring up. It'll make the dream fade out and you'd wake up. It can sometimes hurt, that is, if you're in a lucid world. Things in lucid worlds will always feel more real, including pain. And then the middle point, which is blinking rapidly. This one will take longer though. Trying "impossible" things can lead to waking up too. Reading, shouting, looking yourself in a mirror, running, and other things, are things common people can't do in dreams. They often lead to waking up (if tried). This won't work in oneironauts though, since we can do these things most of the time without waking up.

  • Published June 07, 2024, 18:26
  • in The Swamp
  • in 2_HTBO
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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