Halfway dreams (2)

By Allen

( https://drawn.digifi.ca/play/z7erbt ) Halfway dreams (or half-dreams) are in the first stage of sleep which takes up to 5% of the sleep during the night. The reas0n they're called "halways" is because they feel like they're almost lucid dreams but do not reach that level since they're in the top layer while lucid dreams are in the bottom layer. Apparently, they start on the top layer, then, move to around the second and third layer. Halfway dreams start when your body falls asleep but not your mind, continue throughout the night and end once you wake up. They move to a deeper layer when you're in the middle of the sleep, and that makes the dream harder to remember in those times, that's why it's easier to remember the start and the end of them. Halfway dreams, like I said before, are short visually and sometimes your brain throws at you images of the dream. You can, however, imagine the dream. Most of the time those dreams are about you communicating with dream people, so you can imagine what they look like and what they're doing. You can't have nightmares in halfways. In hypnagogic hallucinations, you can be scared by sudden hallucinations, like loud noices, weird visuals, or anything else. Those aren't exactly nightmares since they do not hold meaning behind them and wake you up immediately. And when you're full into a halfway, those things don't happen (or rarely ever happen).

  • Published June 08, 2024, 13:28
  • in The Swamp
  • in 2_HTBO
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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