Nightmares (DSV 3)

By Allen

Continuation of How to find out the meaning of a nightmare? Nightmares usually are divided in 2 parts: The main topic and the consequences of it/following part. The main topic would be the problem that is going on in the dream, and the following part are the things that developed the problem. For example, you're dreaming a snake bites you, due to it, you fall ill and slowly die. The main topic would be the snake biting you, and the following part is that you're slowly dying. You'd have to search up in the internet the meaning of each thing separately. Not "Dream where a snake bit me and I die", no. Search up instead, "Dream that a snake bit me", and then, "dreaming that I die". After researching, you can take both meanings into a single thing and figure out the whole meaning. Dreaming that a snake bites you means that someone could be betraying you, but in a more general meaning, it means that you're avoiding or neglecting something in your life. Dreaming that you die means that you're letting a certain aspect in your life behind, death in dreams is a GOOD thing, because where something ends, something starts. The whole meaning would be, in total, that a topic/matter in real life that was affecting you is finally being left behind, allowing new things to enter your life. Analyzing nightmares (or even normal dreams) is helpful, if you do, there's little chance you'll dream about them again. (If you had a good dream you wouldn't mind having again, don't analyze it!) If you're having a nightmare that seems to be about something you've seen earlier in real life (Like, a person, situation, a video game, a serie, etc), they might not truly have a meaning behind them. They're just something that stayed on your memory so now its playing in your head while you sleep. Nothing to worry about! In the case you have a common dream (not-lucid) and its something that ends up happening in real life, then it's not a nightmare anymore. It's a precognitive dream. The main difference between a warning and a precognitive dream is that warnings are metaphoric and precognitive dreams literal. Like I said before, the warnings could be about a snake biting you, the death, or more common nightmares, like teeths falling out. They have a meaning behind them. But precognitive dreams are a vision of the future (anyone can have those), of events in real life happening or that will happen, that's why they make more sense and have less fantasy on them. No matter how frightening a dream could be, many of them are warnings that shouldn't be ignored (specially if you often dream them), and could also have good meanings behind them.

  • Published May 18, 2024, 13:05
  • in The Swamp
  • in 4_DSV
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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