poisoned apple:pt 3


Joel trecks through the forest. She doesn't see anything, except for something that has snagged on a branch. The color is golden. She hasn't ever seen anything like that. its bright and shiny. Not the princesses. It's from somewhere else. If Joel didn't have something she had to do, she would go and explore whose it was. But she had to find the princess. Who she had lost the tracks of. Because the place had gotten scarier. and a darker. and noisier. And there was something behind her. Creeping. A dark cloth of some sort was thrust on her head. Something sweet, and then she blacked out.
A time later, she woke up in a very bright place. There were sounds of arguing as she sat up to try to see better. but it was so damn bright. there was loud shouting before she passed out again.
((((i really have to do school work)))))))))))))))

This animation is a continuation of:
  • Published Published October 28, 2020, 18:13
  • Location in Kiddie Pool
  • Album in Royal doodles
  • is continuable by others
  • Favourited times

Comments 2

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@Plush would maybe work

