I just wanna say, for me this is pretty big- and I’d really like to thank some of y’all. @Awkward__Artist - you’re a great friend and your inspiration for me to make whacky, strange situations is why I even managed to learn how to draw with a mouse. Plus, If it weren’t for you, S.o.S. Might never ever existed. So keep being cool you baguette. @Kitty_Cipher - You’ve honestly been a cool friend, and I enjoy talking to you. Plus, thank you for being the 1,000th heart. Keep being the kindhearted person you are. @RoseKen - you’ve been an inspiration and your interest in “X” was one of the few reasons I kept adding to it. If nobody ever shows any Interest in what I make then I’d stop making things. I find motivation to make something better when people are interested by that something. @Sugr!Kube & @Flare-Aamon- both of y’all are huge inspirations to me. Your styles are nice and honestly, y’all are the reason I ever even started to use color on here. And plus, both of y’all is cools. @ClaytonR - thank you for making this awesome site for all of these lovely people to share their art and connect us. Drawn is far from perfect, but it’s a good site with a good community. Please, keep allowing for this site to grow. And finally. Thank all of you reading this. You guys make up this awesome community and make some great stuff. Plus, It was more than just these people who helped me reach this milestone. So thank you all. And hey, Stay awesome.