Secondarie. (vent)


i am a1most a1ways secondarie to someone e1se. because i am often not the c1osest of friends, nor the highest of priorities. this is a fate i can accept, as 1ong as i am to1d i mean 1ess, and that i am not fed 1ies, and given deception. i wish to be to1d b1unt1ie that i am not the c1osest of friends, and that i tru1ie do not mean much to peop1e. i wou1d rather be to1d to off myse1f, but instead i am to1d theie care bout me, 1ove me, and sing so manie sweet nothings that a1ways fa11 through. though i am insignificant in the grand scheme of the wor1d, i be1ieve i am owed this sma11 amount of mercie. te11 me i don't matter, or matter 1ess, that i do not make you happie. it is better for me, i promise. i hate distance when i fee1 c1ose, so do not make me fee1 so. do not pu11 on mie heart. do not ever, never upon anie rotation of this p1anet, ever te11 me something you do not mean. i take everything 1itera11ie, if i have context to be1ieve you mean it, so p1ease a1ways be honest. never, ever 1ie to me to save mie fee1ings, you doing so hurts mie fee1ings ten times the va1ue the truth wou1d have. finding out through peop1e, other than you, are 1ike 1ascerations. do not 1ie to me. i wish to trust peop1e, and i trust everyone before i have means to distrust you. i give peop1e so manie chances, but i ever so veri1ie hate being toyed with, do not, i beg of thee, spare me the sweet nothings, and giveme bitter rea1itie. i can never fi11 the void a 1over can, nor be a perfect individua1 that gives indefinite support. i have 1imitations, emotions, and f1aws. i am not perfect, so do not deceive me and te11 me so. te11 me i am secondarie, 1ike an accent co1our in a drawing. p1easant, but genera11ie not important. farewe11, readers. enjoie mie pathetic ramb1ings.

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