love how theres only one person i feel like i can actually vent to without feeling like im either gonna upset them/make them mad or theyre straight up just not gonna give a shit
i dont even know them irl they live in an entirely different country and we have a 6 hour time difference
i love forcing myself to just shut up about how i feel cause i dont wanna make people feel bad cause of shit they do that makes me feel like garbage
and even if i did talk to them about the stuff they do, i would just feel like the only reason theyre being nice and acting like they care is out of pity
i dont really know what to fucking do anymore other than not talk to anyone unless it is necessary
i try so hard to make people feel like i care and that im interested in what theyre saying because i AM interested and then just
i feel like whenever i say literally anything about stuff im excited about no one gives a shit until i say something about feeling annoying for talking to them and then suddenly everyone cares and likes to listen to me even though they didnt respond to a single thing i said when i was actually fucking talking about the thing i was excited about
then people just move on like nothing happened
like, i get that people have better things to do or better things to talk about than whatever im interested in but
shit still hurts
and its even worse cause i can see that theyve looked at my messages and see that theyre online and no one fucking says anything until im upset
kinda bullshit is that
i dunno
im just fucking pissed off and upset and feel like no one even gives a shit about me no matter how much they say they do
I know how it can feel, and I also don’t really open up much about how I’m feeling because my parents will probably not care or they just think I’m being annoying or lazy, and if they do ask if I’m okay i dont think they’d understand so I dont say anything. My friends also dont really care because they’re stressed about their own problems, and that hurts. I’m slowly opening up to someone i really trust, but i dont see them often enough, they’re always busy. If you need to talk, I dont know you too well, but I can always listen. I want to be helpful, and I’m not on drawn that often but if I see a message, I can answerPop
I am sorry I have not commented, and I know this might seem like I don't care, but I really do care. I would like to help any way I can, and hopefully, get to know you more, so you feel comfortable with talking to me. I am usually drawn 5 times a day, usually about 2-3 hours. I have discord if you'd like to talk with me on there as well.I hope I don't seem too pushy or aggressive with trying to help, it's not my intention.
Just know If you ever need to talk to anyone, I'm here for you. :)