For a certain ZomBEA/human


So I decided that from November 10th - December 15th That Im gonna draw more Bea stuff. I feel like I draw Deni alot more and Bea is just that one Oc thats like, in the background lol. Im calling it 25 days of Bea(since this is practically the start of the holiday season ^^) and I will try my absolute best to have AT LEASt 1 bea drawing per day. Tbh she kinda needed this XD. Im not really a fan of pink but this is the color choice that I thought would suit this drawing the best. Also If you're wondering about the smudges of paint on her I was kinda trying to depict she was using spray paint. I guess she likes spray painting stuff. heh, L8ter(no I litterally might post a doodle or something l8ter idk lol) -ToonKraft127

  • Published November 09, 2019, 09:50
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in Bea ^^
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited time

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