Interview with Deni ><


D: Hello there! *grins* R(Reporter): Hello! Nice to meet you, Deni! D: Honor to meet you too, sir! *bows* R: What a lovely house ya got! We were wondering how ya managed to build it! D: Build it? *chuckles* Nah. I didnt do this myself. My lovely roomate did most of it, or, at least got help with building it. I just nailed up the floors and helped map out the blueprints, really. R: And the slide? D: Oh yea! Its amazing!! We originally weren't gonna have it because she was being a party pooper, but I begged for weeks, and she agreed! As long as I built most of it myself, which I did, with a 'lil help from some wonderful construction workers I found eating lunch outside the costruction site! ^^ R: Okay, and the setting? What inspired you to select this vast and beautiful forrest? D: Ah! Thats actually from an inside joke between me and my roomate! Ya see, when I was 11 years old, I first met this wonderful woman named Heidi who helped me get on my feet. I stayed with her for a while. Of course, sometimes I would stay with relatives and whatnot, but I had a wild side, as Ive been told. * giggles * I used to mess things up, and I was very rowdy, and I felt horrible and inadequate, so I ran off into the forrest, several times before finding Heidi on the edge of town. She invited me to stay for as long as I needed, and even as a busy mother of six, she took good care of me. That same year, I met Beatrix, my roomate, and she seemed to be lonely, so I asked Heidi if she could stay with us, as long as we helped her out around the house, which she agreed to. We lived like that for a while, but my Kitsune tendencies still weren't controlled, as they are now, so I would still be high strung and clumsy, and Bea would joke that I should be living in a forest instead, as its better suit for a fox, while Id laugh half-heartedly. When I was 13, and Bea was 14, she decided that its probably best if we searched for our own place, to lighten up Heidi's load, and Heidi agreed, but soon started missing us, so we promised her that we'd stay over two nights a week, and help her out around the house. Finding a home wasn't easy, and sure, we had some money from helping out and doing odd jobs for others in town, but it wasnt enough to buy most of the homes we saw. That, and also, what are the chances someone selling a house to two teenage hybrids? Not very succesful. We were about to give up until I thought, "Hey! What about the forest?" and well, Bea thought I was delusional, as she was only joking in the past, but we didnt have anywhere else, and it seemed fitting for both of us, so we decided to stay here, build a house out of some nearby wood from trees, while occasionally going in town and getting little elements that could be added with the money we had, and used some old parts that werent being used anymore to help build a slide and some other things. Unconventional, but it became a glorious new home! R: Wow...long story,, huh? D: Indeed. ^^ R: Alright. Well thanks for your time, miss! *extends hand to shake* D: *shakes hand very agressively* No problem, sir! And call me Deni! R: *rubs his arm in pain* Okay... *cuts off cameras and hurries off, fearfully* D: *smiles brightly* B: *walks outside* Um.. You've been standing out here talking to yourself for about 30 minutes now... D: *giggles* Oh! Must've imagined that whole thing in my head, tehe! *skips inside* B: ... B: I need a nap.

  • Published April 27, 2021, 15:44
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in album Featured
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited time

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