OmGG!! πŸ˜€


WOah- they are so SillY and goofy!!! LMAO, I'm SO SORRY VANCE!!! IM SO SORRY that you're related to the DERANGED PHYCotIC man- 😭😭😭 YUH!!! IDK if I mentioned this beforeeee, but Vonti and Vance are first cousins once removed- AKA Vonti is Vance's mom, Layla's, cousin! 🀯🀯🀯 Vonti is fucking CRazYY, It's BATSHIT, Off his ROckersss!! Sorry that one side of ur family has lost its marbles Vance πŸ’€ It's just very silly! :) OKAY bye I'm bored!!! ✌️✌️✌️

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