Story Updates (Desc.) ⭐️


HEY there guys! So if your reading this you might have seen this post of mine! -> (And if you haven't I suggest you check it out! <3) Well you guys seem to really like the idea, so I'll definitely be making more of that story! That's why today I wrote down the basic gist of the story, so I know exactly what I'll be doing next and how the story will progress! So far I'm planning on splitting the story into different parts, basically like chapters, but not really as it'll just be dialog and whatnot lol I have 7 parts planned, though there could be more or less, depending on how things work! Anyways, I'm excited to continue to work on that, as you guys seem to enjoy it so far! So what do you guys think? I also have another story idea that I think would be cool if I did it in a similar format to the one I'm doing with Squid. This one's main focus would be towards Fenriz, though this one will probably be a bit darker. Let's just say this one has a bit more blood... Oop Yeah, this one is somehow darker than Squid killing people, lmao. Of course, it would be separate from Squid's story though! So uhhhh would you guys be interested if I were to make that story alongside Squids? Cause I'd really like to do that one as well! :3 Tell me what you think down below! <3

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