Old Bird. )poem)


Rash, and boastful you are, mocking bird, caught up in your ego. Crowing, and clawing your way into my mind, making me weep. Not with my eyes, but with my racing mind, and heart, both in pain. You cannot see your actions as faulted, you arrogant bird. High up in the tree you are, kicking the loon down to suite you. You believe your call has no consequences, silly old bird. See how you mock me, mocking bird, every time we talk and squawk. Tempting the fire as I fly, a meek blue bird, scared of heights. You claim to know why I fly so low to the ground, out of sight, Though you do not. You will not with your attitude towards me. You think your mocking is silent, unheard, daft old mocking bird. Oh, old bird, if only you understood why no other bird wants to sit next to you on your perch, as you actively try to push them off of the high sitting pine branch, fifty feet up. Claim to be so wise in the ways of a chick's mind, though you aren't. You laughed as I, the meek blue bird, explained my fright of the flock. See me as I fly from you, absent from the nest you bound me to. Free from your claws, your dangerous penetration of my heart. Dare I bleed out from inside, due to my own, haunting mind.

  • Published June 05, 2020, 16:29
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in Poetrie
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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