-rambling, don't mind this-


i don't smile as much as i make my persona do. i wish i could smile more, but surprisingly i almost always seem to have a pokerface, well things could be worse. people could be watching me when i am all on my lonesome making faces to myself as i imagine dorky little things. i usually only talk to myself out loud when i am near people, isn't that strange, or when i am tired, yeah, tired and near people is usually when. unless i am talking to myself while drawing or writing, or if i am all lonely. i am not really use to the sound of my own voice, when i talk to myself, it's not like i am having a conversation, it is more so thinking out loud. ah, this is quite strange i know,

  • Published July 07, 2019, 18:26
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in album Featured
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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