This art is just something to start out my coming-back to drawn, and I'll probably put this as my PFP while I don't have an AFK sign so far, so for now it's a constant reminder that you're in school now >:D (unless you're not yet .-.).
Also expect loads of new O.C.'s to be made soon! I kinda wanna get that done.
I also am getting used to a mouse pad wayyy quicker than I thought I would, which is obviously a good thing lol. >w<
@Chez lolChez
@Mr_Meatloaf ah yes another man of cultureMr_Meatloaf
Thunder breathing, First form: Thunderclap and flash!Simblime
@Simblime yea yesterdaySimblime
ooh@Blatzz WHAT?!
Also amogus came out on Xbox and PlayStationBlatzz
This looks noiceChez
@Plush thanks (even tho this took like ten mins and is rlly lazy)Plush
not big into among us but this is awesome