Best Canon Ship Ever


So basically I watched "Strange Magic" on Saturday bcs my sisters found it randomly, and like I grew obsessed with the storyline about Sunny and Dawn. If you haven't seen the movie, I suggest watching it because it's so funny and heart-warming, but basically Sunny, the elf on the left, loves Dawn, a fairy princess, who doesn't really pay attention to his love bcs she's too busy flirting with the guards and trying to find someone to love, even though they're friends already. Anyways, it's really sweet because there's some scenes where he expresses how he feels and it's so cute ;w;. I may or may not have already watched the movie 4-5 times... and speaking of "Strange Magic", I'm gonna make some art about that in the future :'), but meanwhile just try to watch the movie because it's all-in-all so adorableeeee.

Funniest quote in the movie: "Chippers, let's ride!"

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