So I was thinking throughout the past week what I should be for Halloween this year(bcs I'm testing my age limits >:D), when one day I was watching Youtube, and there was an ad on the side that was advertising a game. I didn't really pay much attention to it, because all it had was this picture of a mysterious-looking medieval times cloak (like this but black:
So, when I looked at it more, I suddenly had this amazing idea to be a sorceress for Halloween, but with my own little twist. So, with the cloak, I decided to add this staff with unknown gems on it, which I thought looked pretty kewl uwu. Not only that, but just a medieval-looking dress beneath, obviously lol. Anyways, here's my Halloween design for this Halloween! Also, I'm most likely gonna show this art to my parents to show my idea to them so I don't have to waste an hour of their time for them to get confused on what I'm trying to describe LOL.
(Also @Keda-Grey and I are trying to get her to trick-or-treat in my neighborhood, since she's never actually done it bcs reasons, and possibly @BLUBERRYSANS2 with us -3-)
*ALSO I'm sooo sorry for not posting in, like, two weeks! I've had so much homework, and I had to go to a lot of places, so I barely had time to draw, but I promise that I'll try to post more since I still have a lot of stuff to do at school! And, surprise surprise, as a sorry gift, I have a recorded kinda speedpaint thing, so if you guys wanna see, feel free to! Also there's kind of a voice reveal in the beginning of it, so surprise voice reveal? XD*
Link to Video:
ALSO I JUST REALIZED GUYS THAT I MEANT TO SAY SPEED THE VIDEO UP BY 2, NOT .75 XD! It's just I had to slow down the music by .75, so I had that on my mind instead, so yea, just speed up the video by 2 to make it like a speedpaint :').