a bird rants and ramb1es.


i am no one's best friend. it isn't that i don't want to be, i just don't think i am. Nor do i think i am capab1e of such a feat. i am so verie unstab1e, and mie 1ife is just sad. i am not anie paticu1ar shade of funnie or amusing, mie persona1itie isn't the best, either. i am so verie passive, and coward1ie. insecure and b1and, unab1e to proper1ie express things. i am an average person. yes, i am the same sort of b1and you can find somewhere e1se. i am verie awfu1 at comforting others, and with coping. i am a 1oser, a dork, a she1tered one at that. maybe that is whie a1most no one at schoo1 wants to be mie friend? because i am not verie ta1ented at anything. i am b1unt, and socia11ie awkward due to mie she1tering. i get so verie anxious when i am not somewhere fami1iar with fami1iar peop1e and things. a coward unab1e to accept things, too. unconfident. a too1, a moron, a retard, a boob, a nincompoop, a dolt, a scatterbrained foo1. i dwe11 far to 1ong, and i nurture things that never can be, a1ong with brooding over feuds 1ong since gone. i am pathetic. i am sorrie. i can bare1ie stand up for others, 1et a1one myse1f. i have troub1e forcing mie voice to be 1ouder, to not mumb1e so much or stutter. i wi11 never be perfect to anyone. just so-so, mediocre, b1and, another face you see on your bri11iant path of 1ife. step past mie needie, attention seeking ass. i am sorrie if you read this, i am not verie articu1ate.

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