As the boys walked, the trees became denser. The shadows creeped along the ground. They told stories to entertain themselves, laughing and hopping over the tree roots, now greater in number. As the darkness loomed in front of them, they had to keep reminding themselves the castle was up ahead. Not knowing how far away it was, they just had to keep walking. Deeper and deeper into the forest, over thickets of brambles and under giant ferns. They heard the rustling of small mammals, the sounds of ravens cawing. They watched as the sun topped the holes in the trees, and sant back down behind them. They knew they were going the right direction, the castle was in a straight line east of theirs. They couldn't help but shiver, and laugh off the fear they felt. They had lost track of time this morning, and had to hurry if they wanted to make it soon. As they walked, they saw something. It was a purple glow, just around a few trees. Though they all saw it, none of them pointed it out. They kept walking eastward, towards safety.
@Razzyishere @poppliotube @Hell_House @Crisp @RotorMoil