Hello! this year i am hosting the Drawn Secret Santa! The Drawn Secret Santa is quite simple; its essentially where you get someone completely random and your task is to gift them a secret santa gift! but dont tell them! itll spoil the suprise. How to Participate 1. Comment stating you wish to participate 2. post a picture of what you wish your secret santa gifter to draw for you, attached to the comment 3. make sure to comment before NOV 30th to be included! and dont worry if you dont have koin to gift it to them. thats not in the rules. 4. when gifting your art, make sure it is a finalized colored piece. How do i do this? i will use a randomizer wheel to determine who gifts who art, so it is NOT rigged! i do wish to participate, but i will know who i am gifting and whos gifting me, as i do everyone since i have hosted this event. a small price to pay for salvation... :'( RULES: once again, comment saying you wish to participate, attach a picture of what or who you want drawn for you with the comment, and comment before NOVEMBER 30th. do NOT use old art, do NOT steal art, and do NOT get upset when you get someone that you may not have wanted a gift from. Its very rude. Obviously the gift art cant be nsfw. you can animate it if you so choose, but it must AT THE MINIMUM, be a colored piece. and lastly, be thankful. nobody HAD to make you this piece. they did it out of kindness. be appriciative! (sorry if i delete comments but ppl need to find the comments so i dont want too many comments) Whos Participating: @Dominator_virus @Simblime @Monocoven @Poem @Bionicle.exe @Star_The_Meergon @Thesak✨ @Demonxfox @Thedelinquent @drumcat @JustAnotherPerson @𝕧Δ𝐋𝕕έ𝕫 @freezing-Amber @olive-and-co @Anadroj-B-J @.•Chaos•. @PhinSilver @AmbienccAbySs @GreenHoodiedAnimator

  • Published November 27, 2022, 00:14
  • in Still Waters
  • in album Featured
  • is not continuable by others
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