original art x music: www.youtube.com
inspiration from this version: www.youtube.com
song used in this www.youtube.com
this is heavily based of the animation up there :/
i also havent named them and probably never will because i will probably never use these characters again
( trigger warning, I bring up suicide and death )
So the boy and the girl loved each other, and they felt that they would love each other until they died, and the girl always had doubts about what the guy was like, since he never talked about his family, his friends, or anyone else, just bits and pieces that sounded like they were thrown together. He also always covered his left eye from her, and if she tried to even ruffle his hair in that spot, he aggressively grabbed her arm, apologizing afterwards, but never explaining. She thought maybe it was about how he never talked about anything about his life. She didn't mind it though, their love was strong enough that she understood him not wanting to talk about it.
One day, she found him going down the street, and he didn't look well. She called his name, but he ran at the sound of her voice. She chased him down an alleyway, and when she caught up to him, he pushed her away, and saw him covering his eye, making noise of extreme pain, stress and sadness. She looked as he uncovered his eye, showing a clock going clockwise, but in a fast pace, too fast to be real time. It shattered, and suddenly she heard a ticking noise in her head. She couldn't see anything from her left eye. She touched it, realizing that she got the clock. With the clock, she got memories, revealing that she did this to him as well, in the past once. She was pertified, but she looked to the side and saw her love lying on the floor, turning into shattered glass pieces slowly, and fading away. She held him until his last moments. Without him, she was devastated, weeks went and she tried committing suicide, but whenever she tried, she would just glitch and be fine again. She was walking when she bumped into someone. She looked up and froze. It was him, her love. He looked innocently and apologetically and offered his hand. She took him to her house and explained what happened, and gave him memories of what happened. They walked out, the girl slowly following behind the boy. He walked onto the street, and she looked up, and yelled, but it was too late. a truck sped straight towards him, crushing him to pieces.
How the curse works, in my words, and using the video heavily for inspiration,
There are two people cursed. They are lovers, and don't know how they are cursed, since they have been in a loop for a long time. The one with the clock is immortal for a long time, and they have a clock in one of their eyes, and there is always a ticking sound in their head for time. Every time they tell their lover the truth, they die soon after. Every time they die, the ticking gets quicker, until the clock shatters, and the person then shatters as well, passing the clock back to the other.
this took a whole month.
it doesnt even look good-
im dead.
@chiroanims ty i thinkkashew01
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