the tribute chapter 46. Cries

By X

They were finally escaping. Lucas was going to leave this place of torment and pain, the smell of blood long dried up was everywhere. This place had obviously been used to do horrible things, long before any of them had ever come. He could thank his sharp new sense of smell for that one, and hearing every little noise like a gunshot wasn't exactly pleasant either. The footsteps of the three echoed in the stone, leaving Lucas jumpy and on edge. They passed several hallways on their escape, each one taunting and pitch black, always seeming to pull the light form the already dark hallway. The layout of this place meant that only the room on the outside of the hallway had any windows, so the only ling provided was from sall, barely flickering torches hung every few feet. The only light that came from them was shadowy and dim, making the sparks flicker and cast small shadows that danced on the arched ceiling. As they walked, Lucas heard something. It was faint, and he would have never have picked it up if it weren't for his new hearing. It sounded like a cry, but not a loud one. More like a muffled cry, someone trying to hold in tears. Lucas looked towards the sound, which was directed from a dark open doorway. He poked his brother's back, and motioned for him to listen. The cry sounded again, a little louder but still muffled. Ace's eyes widened. Lucas motioned for him to notify Invert, and ACe turned to their rescuer. Lucas padded over to the door, being as quiet as he could, before peeking around the corner. It took his eyes a second to adjust, but what he saw made them widen more.

  • Published Published January 09, 2020, 10:16
  • Location in Kiddie Pool
  • Album in The tribute
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited time

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