Dexter ref/Redesign


Woop woop finally made a ref for babie, ok so first imma go over Deter's overall character then imma go though some Species adjustments ive made for my Morgana species so prepare yourselves this shall be long
Age: 23 in human years 115 in Morgie years (1 human year= 5 Morgana years), can live to be past 300 in human years (1500 Morgana years)
Dexter's a pretty independent kinda guy he loves doing shit on his own, he hates asking for help and doesn't like admitting he's wrong, has a nervous tick of making clicking sounds with his mouth or fingers when he's stressed, he overthinks a lot and is pretty selfish, he's the silent observer type and is fairly aggressive in nature, but he'll be your best friend if you give him a scratch behind them ears, likes being curious, but cautious around new people, Dexter's core temperature varies depending on his heart rate, the higher his heartbeat the more aggressive the his flames
Ok now onto the slight species changes and modifications
Morgana's are human babies born under the shadow of a hybrid eclipse, effectively creating a hybrid aka Morgana, they contain the same organs as normal humans do, however their blood self circulates, so a heart is not required for them to live, they have 4 scapula's along their back while humans only have 2, their tails are similar to that of a scorpions except for the tip which resembles more of a hook, a darker streak along the tail means it contains venom, spikes on the ears helps them hear extremely well, since their ears are pretty sensitive to sound, they can't handle high frequency noises which is basically their weakness, their elemental powers depend on their personality type (can only inhabit the 4 elements), Finally Morgana's have 2 semi transparent horns left, morality horn and right, life horn (Anadroj-B-J and SandyBeepis you guys might wanna modify your designs for your morgana OC's to match this new one) also this is an open species so if yall wanna create one PM my first before you do

  • Published Published April 09, 2020, 15:48
  • Location in Kiddie Pool
  • Album in Featured Pt 2
  • is continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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Well I hope u find em