My Ref sheet


finally i have a ref sheet dammit like God. So u know what the deal is with Xavi. If u don't lemme sum it up for ya, she's unhinged and crazy. She is extremely reckless and careless She wants to erase her past by drinking so she forgets the memories. However when the alcohol wears off those memories come flooding back. She suffers from night terror and sleep paralysis. She's also the type of girl who laughs at dark humor and pain. Fun fact i used to suffer from sleep paralysis, grew out of it luckily lmao. And Xavi is pretty much a reflection of one side of me, ya know the crazy and nuts side. Oh also i'm not on my home monitor so if my "style" seems off its cuz i'm on a different computer so yeeee xD

  • Published Published March 10, 2019, 12:32
  • Location in Kiddie Pool
  • Album in album Featured
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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