The tribute chapter 30.

By X

Dartus was drunk. There was no question about it. He was a regular to this particular bar, and usually came with friends. It was a nice bar, with a homey looking common room and nice workers. This time, he had come alone. Now he had nobody to take this sorry sack of a king home. Dartus slouched in his chair, making the old stool squeak in protest. Even in his small form, his horns, claws and spined were solid and unbreakable. And heavy. The Hellhound bartender approached him. "Can i help you, sir?" Somewhere in the back of Dartus' mind, he knew that he looked like a sad pile of wet blankets, but he hiccuped and said no to the server. The Hellhound looked him up and down pointedly. A voice chimed in from beside them. "I can walk you home, if it's alright with you." There was a fire demon sitting beside him. Dartus gave them a drunk smile. 'Ya know,' he thought, 'many people think i don't have a mouth cause i keep it closed, but i do! I's a lil scary tho...' He stood up and started towards the door. The fire demon followed behind him. "Do you know where you're going?" They asked. "Yeah it's dat big tree over there." He pointed a shaky finger towards the castle. The fire demon rolled their eyes. It was a brisk walk, Dartus stumbled around a bit, but not too much. They reached the door, and he thanked the demon before walking inside, and collapsing on the bed in his room, next to his sleeping wife.

  • Published December 07, 2019, 21:09
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in The tribute
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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