The tribute chapter 33. Memories

By X

Like Edge, Emerald was trapped in his own mindspace. He was forced to watch his friends help the creature take over his body, and trap him. But Emerald wasn't as strong as his friends. He had strong emotions, fear, sadness, other such things. His friends were the people that had helped him out of the sadness. WHen Emerald and Darling were still small, they went to the same school. Emerald was picked on every day, just for being shy and secluding himself. Nobody talked to him, or even tried. Bullies would talk AT him, and there was a difference. It continued for the greater part of two years, before Darling transferred. The bullies tried to target him too, but he was too...energetic. He filled every room he went in with light, made people laugh and smile. Emerald was in awe that a human could even have that effect on people. Darling became popular quickly, and Emerald just watched him from a distance. One day, the bullies cornered him behind the school, and hurt him. badly. He was left there to bleed on the old hard cement, before someone came. "Do you need a hand?" Emerald looked up. Darling was offering his Emerald. After that, things changed. Darling was showing attention to Emerald. Talking to him, hanging out with him, and standing up for him when bullies showed their teeth. Things got so much better after that! They graduated high school together, and later met Isle and Edge at an adventurers training school. They became friends, and Emerald was happy. But now, trapped in the mindspace, he was watching those friends slip away.

  • Published December 09, 2019, 07:24
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in The tribute
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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