The tribute. chapter 22

By X

Fusion hopped another tree root, and almost fell. His instincts had kicked in while he sat on the floor of the classroom, and Fusion had decided to throw a rock at the angry queen. It had hit her arm, and the screech she let out almost burst his eardrums. Fusion took the momentary distraction to run out the door, ad into the forest. He heard her spidery footsteps behind him, approaching quickly. Fusion must have dropped his crown somewhere, but he decided to ignore it. He could have the most skilled silversmith in the land forge him a new one. Silver was the only regal metal he could wear, since he was allergic to gold. Fusion remembered both of his son's 10th birthdays. They had both inherited their father's allergy, and not their mothers. Queen Cybil had branded their back with silver, pressing it into their skin and burning the royal crest mark. They would have that mark forever. When Fusion stumbled again, he returned his focus to the forest ahead. All he had to do was get to the border, and some human bowmen would take her down. There was a fork in the path ahead of him, two gaps between the trees. One was straight to the border, and to the left. He could get there quicker, but with the rate she was approaching at, he might not make it. The one to his right had many twists and bends, easy to lose her in but it would take longer to get back. Which path should he take? The straight left path or the twist right one?

  • Published November 26, 2019, 10:37
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in The tribute
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited time

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