The tribute chapter 36. Lost

By X

Dartus raced down the stairs of the castle, shock still hitting him every step he dashed over. He had shrank immediately after he heard the news, knowing his wife would need comforting. The door hit the walls when he threw it open, and he hurried over to Eñe, who was balled up on the carpeted floor of the throne room. The news had probably been delivered to her here. Anonymous had run away. Now, both of their children were gone. Chaos had gone to negotiate, and Eñe trusted hum. But Anonymous cared for her brother, a deep love that Dartus had never understood. It was sad, but he sort of knew she would be desperate to help him. Dartus pulled his wife off the ground, and held her in a tight hug. Fresh tears began to flow down her face, and she held him close. He felt his own tears, ones he had been holding back, begin to bloom. Bright red streaks down his face, and he holds Eñe close. They both know their children will be fine, the two of them are strong and inseparable. It was just the emptiness they felt when their children were gone, the realization that they were on their own out there, that scared the king and queen stiff.

  • Published December 10, 2019, 14:07
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in The tribute
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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Ditto say hi~
The tribute chapter 12. pt.1 Eñe.
Im so sorry
. . .
. . .