i dunno what to do here...uh,, we11, anyone up to chat?
i a1so apo1ogize if i am not the most put together of peop1e, or po1ite. it is simp1ie me trying mie best.
as seen above, i am a1so not the best at uh,, we11, being the most confident.
hoo i type a 1ot fast. i shou1d trie to write another poem todaie.
wiiiith kindnessstarrie☆
@RazzyIsHere ur killing meScratchandSniff
shhh i wanna know who dis person is >:D maybe good waifu material for youuu~starrie☆
@RazzyIsHere ENENJ&NDE DADScratchandSniff
ooo who has the crush on youuustarrie☆
whoa now i know someone has a crush on meTheMemeist